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Women's Health

Temecula Medical Group

Temecula Medical Group

Women’s health care relies on preventive services and treatment of the many conditions affecting women. At the Temecula Medical Group in Temecula, California, Richard Rawson, DO, and his team encourage you to come in for the women’s health services you need at every age. Reserve an appointment today over the phone or online at the Temecula Medical Group.

Women's Health Q & A

What is women’s health?

Women’s health focuses on women and their distinct needs that differ from men’s health needs. Many conditions exclusively affect women, and others affect them at higher rates.

The Temecula Medical Group helps you keep up with the medical care you need when you need it, including primary and preventive care. The team welcomes you in for regular visits where you can go over your sexual, reproductive, and hormonal health in a safe and confidential setting.

The team also educates you on your overall health and promotes practices that keep you healthy in the long term. You can lower some disease risks by taking advantage of preventive women’s health care and making some simple adjustments in your daily routine.

Which conditions affect women’s health?

Women’s health often focuses most on breast health, sexual and reproductive health, and hormones. Many conditions can affect these systems and their processes within your body, which the Temecula Medical Group team can evaluate and diagnose. They are happy to be your primary care providers by managing women’s health conditions that include:

  • Abnormal menstruation
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Osteoporosis
  • Breast lumps and cancer
  • Reproductive cancers

Some conditions affect both men and women but are either more common in women or affect them in distinct ways.  Some conditions may require referral to the proper medical specialist.  Whether you get a diagnosis or what that diagnosis is, the Temecula Medical Group offers advanced diagnostic services and treatments to help you manage or improve your health.

Which women’s health services do I need?

Many medical services are available for women at the Temecula Medical Group, which promote long-term health and wellness. The team helps you stay on track with your primary and preventive care needs and can guide you with personalized health advice.

Services you can get in the office to maintain your women’s health include:

  • Annual exams
  • Pelvic exams
  • Pap smears
  • Breast exams
  • Birth control management
  • Immunizations
  • Estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Medically supervised weight loss
  • STD testing and treatment

Suppose an exam or screening detects anything unusual. In that case, the Temecula Medical Group team makes sure that you get any additional tests you need for answers and can treat the conditions affecting your health.

For more information about women’s health and the services you need, call the Temecula Medical Group today or book an appointment online.